Disputes about the Nickel in the Voronezh region transferred into the civilized plane

After months of battles (not without costing noisy
rallies, demonstrations, emotional discussions and unnecessary court
proceedings) disputes on the development of Nickel mines in the Voronezh region,
like, move to a civilized plane. The hope is the sides
the conflict gave the «round table», whose members (defenders of the ecology of the region and those
who is lobbying for the necessity of resource extraction on the disputed land) for the first time
discussed the issue in a «peaceful atmosphere».
By opponents of the development of Nickel
fields in a ninety-minute business conversation, held this week in
In Voronezh, was attended by one of the leaders of the movement «In defense of Khoper» Konstantin Rubakhin. His main opponent was made by the teacher
of the Department of Mineralogy, Geological faculty, Voronezh state
University Paul Boyko.
During the constructive talks, the participants again
outlined their position: supporters of the Nickel mine focused on
benefits that will receive the region, and opponents of development, the damage that
Nickel production can cause the ecology of the region. And, despite the fact that
clearly identifiable common denominator for the first peaceful meeting, the parties have not
came, certain positive trends in the development of relations between them
there has been. Civilized dialogue showed that the aims and intentions of those and other
— prosperity of the Voronezh region
and progress in respect of the standard of living in the region. So, it remains
for small: to determine the way in which these objectives will be achieved
minimal damage to the environment.