On the relevance of black metal

Nowadays, gradually
The volume of construction of objects for different purposes is increasing, which entails
Increased consumption of black metal. I must say that the products
This kind is important and in demand in many industries. Elements
Black rolled metal are used in civil and industrial construction,
Machine-building and machine-building, agriculture, oil industry,
Construction of bridges and in the process of manufacturing reinforced concrete products. Finds
The use of such products in the country's defense complex.
What is included in the concept of «black metal»?
This group of products includes products,
Made of iron, cast iron, steel, chromium, manganese and other constituents.
It is worth noting that ferrous metals are used more intensively than non-ferrous metals,
Since they possess such unique qualities as special strength and
durability. Virtually any erected building objects (especially
Monolithic structures) include in their composition structures made of
About types of black metal
The products considered can refer to
One of the following types:
• High-quality metal rolling. It includes
Such products as a beam, reinforcement (especially in demand when erecting
Monolithic frame structures), wire rod, circle, strip, square, etc.
• Sheet metal. Usually,
It is used in machine building and construction. The most popular sheets
Cold-rolled, hot-rolled, galvanized. There are other varieties,
Related to this subgroup.
• Shaped metal. Required for
Construction of prefabricated buildings. In particular, such products include
Corner, channel, etc.
Production features
During the manufacturing process, the black metal is exposed
Certain transformation. Thus, ingots are processed by pressure and
High temperature. The result of such impacts is the emergence of
Products of the required size and shape, having specified quality parameters.
To give the products of the black metal group the necessary configuration,
Billets are subjected to pressing, forging, stamping on presses or sheet
Stamping, rolling and drawing. About 70−80% of all produced steel
Production is made on rolling mills. This is how the wire, sheet
Steel, reinforcement, channel and so on.
It should be noted that the production of black
Metal rolling both in our country and abroad constantly increases.
Industry experts expect a significant increase in demand for
Corresponding products in such industries as capital construction,
Machine tool building, operation of railway transport.