Norilsk Nickel optimizes the network of representative offices in the Asia-Pacific Region

Management of MMC Norilsk Nickel initiated the process of optimizing the network of its own representative offices, providing business communications with consumers of products of the Russian company in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region (APR). For these purposes, the corporation management plans to combine several offices operating in this economic zone into one structure. Its central management body will be located in Singapore (a city-republic in South-East Asia).
The new office of the world's largest nickel producer will carry out trade operations with India, China, Japan and Korea. The main reason for the restructuring of the network of representative offices of Norilsk Nickel is an attempt to reduce the tax burden on the company.
Singapore has an affordable and simple tax system, according to which the corporate tax rate is 8.5% for profits below $ 300,000 and 17% for profits that exceed this figure. In addition, the country does not tax capital gains, there are no taxes on dividends. "With respect to duties, Singapore is more interesting for our company than Hong Kong," said Vladimir Strzhalkovsky, head of MMC, in an interview with journalists. "Trade offices in the capitals of England and Switzerland will continue their work, however, with fewer employees and fewer powers. The merger will affect the Hong Kong and Chinese representative offices of the corporation, "the general director of Norilsk Nickel added.