AVISMA will supply titanium parts Techspace Aero

The contract for the supply of titanium parts for the latest-generation aircraft engines between VSMPO-AVISMA and Techspace Aero may be signed by the end of the year. In negotiations between corporations it is a question of manufacture of coils for new development of the Belgian manufacturer - economical engines LEAP and Silvercrest.
If the above-mentioned contract is signed, the Upper Salin company will receive a weighty order that will ensure the operation of the titanium production capacity for the entire period of operation of the new generation engines. "We expect to send AVISMA Corporation its request for the production of parts immediately after the end of the technical negotiations, which are currently in the final phase," Gino Budroni, the quality engineer at Techspace Aero, commented on the intentions of the Belgian side.
Techspace Aero (Belgium, Liege) specializes in designing and manufacturing modules and equipment for aircraft and rocket engines. The latest development of the company's designers - LEAP and Silvercrest motors - is intended for installation in the latest generation of aircrafts - Airbus 320 NEO (France), Boeing 737 MAX (USA) and Comac C919 (China).
OJSC VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation (Russia, Verkhnaya Salda) is the world's largest producer of titanium, its alloys and products from these materials. The company is integrated into the global aerospace industry and for many operators in this field of activity is a key supplier of products from "winged metal".