Rosnedra plans to find a master for the Kopanskoe field

The Federal Agency for the Subsurface Use of the Russian Federation plans to hold auctions by the end of July, the lot of which will be the right to develop the Kopan ilmenite-titanomagnetite deposit (Chelyabinsk Region, Zlatoust City District). In its depths (according to preliminary estimates, category C2) contains 3.3 million tons of titanium dioxide (with an average resource concentration of 7.62%), about 46 million tons of iron ore (36.5%) and about 135 thousand tons Tons of vanadium pentoxide (0.33%). The area of the Kopan deposit is approximately 10 square kilometers. Km.
In addition to the above-mentioned asset, Rosnedra is preparing to sell licenses for the development of four more Southern Urals deposits of non-ferrous and precious metals. Among them - copper-zinc deposits of the Kabutak ore occurrence, copper ore of the Tarutino site in the Chesmensky district, the Gumbeyskoye tungsten deposit, and the Svobodnensky gold mine. Also, the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use of Russia plans to organize an auction to sell the glauconite (Kirdinsky site) and phosphorite (Ashinsky site) fields of the South Urals. The list of assets prepared for implementation by Rosnedra has already been approved at the federal level, and licenses for the extraction of resources from the territories of the above-listed fields can be sold already this year.