Asian manufacturers of stainless steel continue to "fall in price", European - uncertainly "grow"

On the stainless steel market, another wave of price reductions by Asian producers swept. So, to the companies that announced the reduction of the cost of contracts for the supply of stainless steel in June, South Korean POSCO (Pohang Iron and Steel Company) was added, reducing the price tag by 300 thousand won per ton and the Taiwanese YUSCO (Yieh United Steel Corp). In the price list of this metallurgical company, only the cost of stainless steel of the 300 series was adjusted: it will be cheaper from the first month of the summer to 1500 new Taiwan dollars per ton.
June same prices of European stainless steel producers after a long dive made an uncertain attempt to change the dynamics to growth. In particular, Finnish metallurgists (Outokumpu) added about 30 euros per ton of stainless steel (series 430) to the cost of ferritic grades (series 430), and 6 euros to the price of 1000 kg of 304th steel. Marketers ThyssenKrupp (Germany) and Acerinox (Spain) also subjected a "positive" adjustment to the June price lists for stainless steel.
Recall that, according to forecasts of market analysts, the current year was to bring the world stainless industry new production records. Compared to 2011, when the global output of corrosion-resistant metal amounted to 32.1 million tons, the current year promised a significant increase (in connection with the expectation of an increase in demand of 4-12% according to calculations of specialists from Metals Service Center Institute, Heinz Pariser Alloy Metals & Steel Market Research "and" Damstahl "). However, according to the operators of the stainless market, the current trend is unlikely to justify such optimistic assumptions.