Japan steelmakers reduce production volumes of stainless steel

Yieh. Corp published statistics summarizing the operation of the steel companies of Japan at the beginning of III quarter of this year. From materials published by the statisticians, it should be: the manufacturers of stainless steel from Japan in July decreased level of production of corrosion-resistant metal by more than 2% (compared to the previous month), «rolled» until the volume is less 255,5 thousand tons. The analysts note a parallel decline in demand for stainless steel in the domestic market of Japan: in the reporting period, the stocks of these products in the warehouses of manufacturers rose 1.9 percent to «bar» in 119.4 thousand tons. The excess of the stainless steel metallurgy in the country were able to compensate for the increase in foreign supplies. So in July of this year, the main foreign users, which include Japan, China, South Korea, United States of America, Taiwan, and Thailand, metallurgists of the country exported 1.3% more stainless steel than in June. Thus, the foreign supply of stainless steel manufacturers from Japan amounted to nearly 106 thousand tons. It is noteworthy that this figure is only 2.2% less than the export sales of Japanese steel companies in the same period of 2010. This once again highlights the dynamic output of the steel industry of Japan of the problematic situation, due to the natural disasters that struck the country this spring.