China: Benxi Steel will increase production of stainless steel

The Chinese company Benxi Steel, which is one of the leading manufacturers of stainless steel, intends to increase production volumes. The plans of the steel workers by 2015 to reach the annual production of 800 thousand tons of stainless steel, according to SteelOrbis. Such ambitious goals Benxi Steel intend to implement through the launch of new capacities. In particular, we are talking about the opening of a new production complex located in the industrial Park Lingang. Marketers Benxi Steel aimed at the market of the North-Eastern part of China, and the planned annual production of Kh/K sheet metal at this company «take a level» in 200 thousand tons. Reference: Benxi Steel — known manufacturer of hot rolled, cold rolled stainless steel rolled products, slabs and galvanized steel products. At present, the industrial Arsenal of the company has seven coke oven batteries of the annual total capacity of 3, 5 million tons. Six years ago (in August 2005) in conjunction with the Benxi Steel Anshan Steel has created a group of companies Anben Steel Group, with a capacity of annual production of 20 million tonnes (both companies had similar target groups and the product line includes a wide range of special steels).