The attractiveness of "titanium" actions "VSMPO-AVISMA" is growing

Demand from the aerospace industry and the increase in demand for titanium-containing coating materials have significantly improved the situation on the world market of Titan in 2011, Further growth is projected by industry experts in the area of 5−7% per year. On this background projects of the company «VSMPO-AVISMA» (including enterprise plans on development of own raw-material base for the production of titanium sponge) have a growing investment attractiveness. As evidence of this, at the International aviation and space salon MAKS-2011 that opened on August 16 in Zhukovsky near Moscow, between the State Corporation «Russian technologies» in the enterprise «VSMPO-AVISMA» and the Corporation «Boeing» has signed an agreement to increase investment in the field of production and processing of titanium, aircraft units and services. As said Vice President of marketing at Boeing, Renitence, the project will last 30 years. Projected investment in Russia — about 27 billion, 18 of which will be invested in Titan. A joint venture UralBoeingManufacturing (UBM) in the Sverdlovsk region gets the opportunity to become a participant of the Special Economic Zone «Titanium Valley». On the basis of its capacity will be a certain amount of machining of titanium forgings produced by VSMPO for use in programs «Boeing 787», «737», «777».Such agreements, according to both sides, very promising. Including in terms of integration of Russian enterprises in system development methods, lean manufacturing and cost optimization in the operation of aircraft.