Firtash became the owner of the shares of the Italian Titan campaign

Under the message a press-services of group of companies «Group DF», Ukrainian businessman Dmytro Firtash, has acquired a third of the total shares of the manufacturer of titanium alloys «Tifast S. r. l» (San Liberato, Italy). The transaction was carried out through the Cyprus organization «Smartora Trading», combining the assets of «The Firtash Group of Co.»."Tifast" will be a worthy addition to the Titan assets «Group DF», which already belong to the «Crimean Titan» (50% -1 share), «Irshansk mining and processing plant mining and processing plant», specializing in the processing of titanium ore and «volnogorskiy MMC» enriching ilmenite concentrate (raw material for titanium sponge).The Italian company «Tifast» acquired «Group DF», has the capacity for a full cycle of production of titanium products (starting from the recycling of scrap, including rolling mills and finishing machining of parts). The company was founded in 2006 and specializes in the production of ingots of titanium-base and manufacture a variety of large products for the medical and aerospace industry sectors."This plant will help Ukraine to take a more favorable position on the titanium market in Europe, get closer to partners and to expand the zone of influence regarding the cooperation with the enterprises of the aerospace industries of European countries," — commented on the acquisition by Dmitry Firtash.