The London stock exchange of nonferrous metals summed up the first half of

According to data published by the specialists of analytical Department of the London Metal Exchange, sales (under contract) of Nickel, aluminum, copper, tin, zinc and lead LME increased for the six months to 16% and continue to demonstrate strong growth. The dynamics behavior of non-ferrous metals on the London stock exchange sufficiently accurately reflects the behavior of «industrial five» on the world market. On the London Metal Exchange is 82% of all exchange contracts on aluminum, copper, Nickel, zinc, lead and tin on a global scale. Just on the LME for the period it sold contracts for the supply of 1.7 billion tons of non-ferrous metals, and the amount of all transactions was $7.8 trillion. The lowest increase in trading volumes showed Nickel contracts, almost breaking the 6% mark. The level of sales of copper at the London stock exchange rose 9%, zinc was sold at 15%, and of aluminium is 17% more. The most striking dynamics of the increase in demand was demonstrated by the lead, which trades on the LME exceeded the previous indicators by 46%. And almost with the same dynamism, growing sales of tin, of which the London Metal Exchange from January to June this year were sold for 41% more.