The project "Titanium valley" will be developed this spring

Representatives a press-services of the authorities of the Sverdlovsk region, told reporters that in March this year, will begin work on the creation of the project of the construction of the SEZ «Titanium valley». Upon completion of the design work, the regional government will be able to determine the size of investment that would be required to implement the plan for creation of objects of infrastructure of the special economic zone. And by the end of April it is planned to complete the process of registration of land designated for the construction of the «Titanium valley», the total area of which amounted to more than 720 hectares.
We will remind that the decree about creation of the special economic zone in the Sverdlovsk region, the Russian government was signed on 16th December last year, and the concept of creation and development is being developed today. According to plans of initiators of the project «Titanium valley» will include enterprise, developing the raw material base of titanium production (Kachkanarsky mines) and power for the production of high value added products for the nuclear power industry, aviation, medicine, chemical industry and nonferrous metallurgy. The Russian government creates favourable tax and customs conditions for businesses outside the SEZ, located on the territory of single-industry towns of the Nizhny Tagil and Verkhnyaya Salda. According to preliminary estimates of experts of «Titanium valley» is already up to 2030 will bring the country’s budget is about 180 billion rubles and will provide residents of the region about 17,000 additional jobs.