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Experts of the London stock exchange of nonferrous metals analyzed the results of LBM in the past year.

24 January 2011
Experts of the London stock exchange of nonferrous metals analyzed the results of LBM in the past year.


the message of the head of the LME, Martin Abbott,

the results of the exchange in 2010 (for

volume of trading) exceeded the

last year by 7.4%. Thus,

the total number of lots traded on

London Metal Exchange amounted to a number exceeding

120 million items, and the total mass of materials

sold for the period amounted to

more than 2.8 billion tons. Recall that a key

lots traded on the commodity exchange

six basic non-ferrous metals: copper,

aluminum, tin, Nickel, zinc and lead.


what is the trade value of all contracts

LME grew up 56,75%

amounted to 11.6 trillion

USA (compared at $7.4 trillion in

the past year). According to analysts

exchange, a major factor

these indicators served as a global

the rising cost of non-ferrous metals. So

the price of copper rose by almost a third, and tin

rose nearly 60%. However, not

less important role in this process was played by

the factor of increase in demand for metals.


the rise in volumes sold

contracts are copper, aluminium and

zinc. The number of lots of the red metal

increased by 6.5 million, zinc — 2.2

million and aluminum — 300,000 lots in

compared to the 2009 level. The

less leadership in this three

the number of contracts remains

the «winged» metal: aluminum lots

in 2010 sold more than 50 million

(compared to 33 million lots of copper and 18.8 million

lots of zinc). Molybdenum and cobalt (logged

among wrap LME metals

less than a year ago) showed

indicators 510 (Mo) and 6812 (Co) lots.

21 January 2011
25 January 2011