"Laboratory of innovative technologies" starts the processing of concentrates of rare earth metals

On the territory of the former USSR of concentrates of rare earth metals are never processed. They were only mined here and then went abroad. There they fell under processing. Then in the form of finished products, they could be imported into Russia. They were delivered in the form of oxides, alloys and metals. Now decided to recycle the produced concentrate will be within the country. All products of «Laboratory of innovative technologies» will be supplied to the domestic market.
Implementation of the project is estimated at 585 million. Of these, 179 million rubles provided as a concessionary loan. The term of the grant is for 5 years at 5% per annum. Russia occupies the second position in the world reserves of rare earth metals. In quantitative terms, they amount to 28 million tons. Each year it produces less than 2 thousand tons of a concentrate group. It is necessary to export, because there is no separation of their production.
Lab as the experiment launched the first such production. Its capacity amounted to 130 tons a year. It is located in Korolev, Moscow region. This project was already 41 in the list. This is a list of those that were launched with the support of FRP. Concessional loans to the current project got 1.5 years ago. It amounted to 179 million roubles.
Rare earth metals are widely used in economic sectors. A special use has been observed in the petrochemical industry, aerospace industry. Their uses nuclear industry and the military-industrial complex. Rare earth metals: lanthanum, yttrium, scandium, and the group of lanthanides. For example, to create a heat-resistant optics have lanthanum glass. This optics is used in the design of spacecraft.