Magnetic control of temperature fluctuations on the basis of Nickel and vanadium

The desire to control the temperature indicators and securely to insure various technological devices from overheating common to many scientists. Recently a large number of scientific communities from different countries of the world are occupied with the solution of such problems. However, the real breakthrough in this difficult region made of physics from California. A group of experts from the University, located in San Diego presented to the public a brand new product. The magnetic characteristics of the material of a new generation rather strongly depend on changes in temperature. Detailed description and performance parameters of operation of unusual inventions scientists presented at the public meeting conducted on the basis of the physical society of America.
The basis and Foundation of a unique steel material of a thin film of Nickel and vanadium oxide. It is the content of vanadium allows you to adjust the conductivity of the raw material depending on the temperature of the surrounding area. At low temperatures the proportion of vanadium exhibits the properties of an insulator, and when heated becomes a classic metal. The main advantage of this material is its independence from the action of the magnetic field. To modify the properties of raw materials as a suitable current and voltage. Today is very successfully tested a unique invention by the laser beam. It should be noted that when the temperature is only twenty degrees, the magnetic characteristics of the substance has varied by almost five times. By the way, the whole range of properties and possibilities of this material are still not fully understood. However, it is possible that this invention will form the basis for the development of new media magnetic type. Unique material will be useful to the transformer industry. Transformers, manufactured with the use of unusual raw materials, are resistant to shock loads and fluctuations of voltage in the electrical network. Now test material based on Nickel and vanadium continue, because before running it in production is necessary to reliably assess the full useful potential of this invention. The final results of the research, the scientists promise to provide to the public in a very short time.