Workers Wgasa protesting against the preservation of the plant

Employees of the Volgograd aluminum factory rally
against liquidation of the enterprise. The protest was attended by about
500 people from 3,200 employees of the plant.
To maintain the preservation process (recall that, according to Russian
Media reports, recently, the plant’s owner, Oleg Deripaska — the decision was made
the closure of local production) at the plant will work about 10% of the current
the number of personnel.
Earlier it was reported that the above mentioned company,
producing aluminum, in recent months, constantly incurs losses under
the influence of two factors: lower prices for winged metal in the world markets and
increasing the cost for electricity. In mind features
the technological cycle on VGATE — commented the representatives of «RUSAL» —
the price of electricity is 40% of the cost of produce here
According to Igor Knyazev, the organiser of this protest
at the moment the company has already disabled 99 of 414 cells, and this
a quarter of all production capacity. Until the end of October of this year it is planned
completely stop the production process. The story with the «temporary» stop
manufacturing has far-reaching consequences: experts believe that in
the future will be to build a new plant for the production of aluminium than
start canned What.